Prog The Mind

The Engineering of Our Psychology

The Mind

How Clinical Psychology and Engineering
Work Together

To Understand and Overcome
Mental Discomfort

We Are Biological Machines

Programmed By Our Caregivers

Each of us is evolutionarily endowed with an acquisition mechanism of elementary and non-verbal information, which is essential to our socio-psychological existence. This knowledge is acquired – for the first time at the beginning of our life – in the attachment interactions with our caregivers – those who take care of us.

Our carers – indirectly and normally unconsciously – program our mind by determining the quality of the relationship: We are biological machines programmed by our caregivers.

This knowledge is acquired and then expressed in a manner dependent on our constitutional characteristics, but its nature and the mechanism of its acquisition are the same for all of us. The implicit beliefs we acquire in this way form the basis of our personality and are at the origin of most of the psychological discomfort we can suffer from: Attachment is the foundation of our personality and the nucleus of most psychopathology.

Let's Go Deeper Into

There Is a Bad and a Good News About Psychological Discomfort













we need to take our time
choose if and when to start that process
